Arsenic Album [Ars.]
Pain in food poisoning, with burning in stomach.
Belladona [Bel.]
Burning, cutting pain with distension.
Carbo Vegetabilis [Carb. v]
Colic with acidity and ulcers.
Agonizing cutting pain in abdomen.
Nux Vomica [Nux. v]
Colic after several hours of eating. Cutting pain. In persons with irregular eating habits or with fondness for alcohol.
Veratrum Album [Ver. a]
Colic during cholera.
Homeopathic Remedy Belladonna 30X, Tablets
Homeopathic Remedy Carbo Vegetabilis 30X, Tablets
Homeopathic Remedy Nux Vomica 30X, Tablets
Homeopathic Remedy Veratrum Album 30X, Tablets