Homeopathic Remedy For Diarrhea

Stools in small quantities. Restlessness, anguish and intolerance for pain. Great thirst but only sips water in small quantities.

Dentition Diarrhea in children

Yellow, greenish stool. Painless gushing out. Early morning diarrhoea. The stools are watery, yellow, profuse,forcible and occur without pain any time from three o’clock to nine in the morning, and a natural stool is apt to follow later in the day. It occurs, too, immediately after eating

Veratrum Album
Severe diarrhoea with thin white, watery stool and uncontrollable retching. Profuse stools, no restlessness anguish or intolerance for pain. Drinks large quantities of cold water.

Stool gushing out, total lack of control, yellow stool. Aloes is a remedy whose chief action is on the rectum. Constant desire to stool, passages are accompanied with a great deal of flatus. Feeling of uneasiness, weakness, and certainly about the rectum; there is a constant feeling as if stool would escape, the patient dares not pass flatus for fear of the escape of faeces. This condition is met with in children sometimes, they pass faeces when passing flatus.

Homeopathic Remedy Chamomilla 30X, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Veratrum Album 30X, Tablets