Homeopathic Remedy For Foreign Bodies in the Eyes

Injury caused by foreign body in the eye.

Injury caused to nerves by foreign body.

After Eye Operations
Aconite: Principal remedy.
Ignatia: Violent pains in temples.
Rhus tox: Pains shooting into head.
Bryonia: Pains in head accompanied by vomiting.
Asarum: Jerking pains with vomiting and diarrhoea.
Crocus: Hammering and jerking in eye.
Thuja: Stinging pains in temples.
Senega: Promotes the absorption of lens debris.
Strontium: Objects appear as if tinged with blood.

Homeopathic Remedy Arnica, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Hypericum Perfollatum 30X, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Hypericum perforatum

Homeopathic Remedy Aconitum Napellus 30X, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Ignatia Amara 30X, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Rhus Toxicodendron 30X, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Bryonia Alba 30X, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Thuja occidentalis