Sulphur [Sulph]
Specially in chronic cases where the skin is rough and hard. Acne is associated with comedones and constipation; The characteristic symptom leading to Sulphur in skin affections is ‘great aggravation from water.’
Sanguinaria [Sang]
In women with scanty menses and irregular circulation of blood.
Kali bromatum []
Acne on the face, neck and shoulders. Acne Simplex and the Acne Indurata, especially in hyperaesthetic, nervous females.
For acne facialis.
Calcarea Sulphurica [Calc.Sulp]
When pimples suppurate.
Antimonium crudum. [Ant.c]
Small red pimples on face, acne in drunkards with gastric derangements, thirst and white-coated tongue.